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Prefetching Data Using Async Initial Value

An entity's initial value can be of any data type, and that includes Promise. In this case, the entity will wait for the Promise to resolve to a value, until then its initial value remains undefined.

A common use-case for such async initial value is prefetching data from the server. So instead of invoking an async action from a component's useEffect, for example, we can fetch server data in advance like this:

const fetchTopScores = async () => {
  /* Fetch data from server here ... */
  return data
//    Initial value is a Promise  👇  (do NOT `await`)
export const topScores = entity(fetchTopScores())

This triggers the pre-fetch as soon as the entity is created.

In our connected component, we can then display a wait state until the entity receives its async initial value.

const ScoreBoard = () => {
  const scores = topScores.use()

  return scores ? <ScoreList scores={scores} /> : <Spinner />

TypeScript Note: Type inference works here, too. The entity data type automatically becomes T | undefined where T is the data type of the return value of the Promise.

What's the difference between prefetching using async initial value vs. fetching via async action? Note that prefetching starts automatically and immediately after the entity is created, even before React components begin to render. On-demand fetching using async action, on the other hand, is normally triggered by some effect or callback in a component. High-priority data that don't require parameters coming from a component are good candidates for prefetching.

Error handling for prefetch

The entity function expects an async initial value to eventually return a value. All necessary error handling should be done by the async function that performs the actual fetch.

Back to our example above, the fetchTopScores async function can be implemented like this:

const fetchTopScores = async () => {
  try {
    /* Fetch data from server here ... */
    return res.json()
  } catch (err) {
    return { status: 'Error', error: err }

This ensures that the entity eventually gets its async initial value, even if it's actually an error value. Associated components can then check for errors in the entity's value and react accordingly.

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